Crew Manager is a comprehensive suite to manage complete and detail manning administration for effective and efficient management of personnel across the fleet.

Integrates and streamlines all crew and officers’ manning requirements and processes across fleet to achieve cost control, effective and efficient human resource management to meet the company’s objectives.

Complies with seafarer’s Rest & Work Hours Regulations : IMO STCW 2010 – OPA 90 RULE – ILO (MLC) and OCIMF recommendations.

  • Details of the vessel/floating crew/employees are recorded. These details include: “Sign on” and “sign off” dates for boarding the vessel, overtime, allotment, personal communication, payroll advances, and crew training records.
  • Facilitates the Crew Manager in effective crew scheduling and management of personnel throughout the fleet.
  • Records and reports all crew data including photo, passport & CDC details, personal records, training, education, experience and family data.
  • Alerts for expiry date of travel documents and certificates held.
  • Medical records of accidents / illness, including costs incurred per case.
  • An updated crew list that identifies active personnel, on-shore crew, blacklisted crew, and sign on / sign off crew.
  • Tracks the crew’s status at all times and helps in planning sign on / sign off. Provides alerts to keep track of expected sign off dates of crew.
  • Company specific assessment criteria for the crew, designation matrix for STCW certificates, in house training and external training details, and STCW certificates applicable to a vessel-type are captured.
  • User defined Crew plan criteria with manning office acknowledgement for planned crew.
  • Monitors the validity of certificates of all the crew/ fleet personnel and provides alerts before expiry.
  • Tracks Master’s Cash Requirements and provides reports Ship disbursement account, Ship statement of Bonded Stores / Entertainment, Ship provision allowance and summary of the portage bill.
  • Payscheme based payroll can be configured with multilevel approval process.
  • Different types of crew variable earnings and deductions are captured and tracked.
  • The system tracks the balance of on board payments, cash advances for each crew member.
  • Customized Pay slips can be generated as PDF and excel for approved payroll.
  • Crew training details from course request till course completion are tracked and added to crew data.
  • Tracking of all transactions by audit option.

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